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This privacy policy applies between you (the user) of this website and saya my ceramics, the owner of the website. This policy is to explain how and why data is collected and used. This privacy policy applies to only the actions of saya my ceramics and users with respect to this website. It does not extend to any website that can be accessed from this website including but not limited to any links we may provide to social media website.


What kind of data is collected?

The data provided by the user: name, contact information such as address, email and telephone numbers.


How does the data get collected?

When you (the user) enters their contact info when purchasing the ceramic art through this website.

Contacting saya my ceramic by the contact form, email, post, telephone or through other means.


Why is data collected?

To complete the services of saya my ceramics; to ship your ceramic purchases, reply to queries and if subscribed to update you with any news on new work and /or upcoming exhibitions.


Is data collected automatically?

Cookies are used which automatically collect some information such as date, time, IP address, the way you interact with the website contents. This is to help make improvements to the website content and navigation. For a list of cookies and their purpose read the section 'Cookies'.


How does the data get used?

Any or all of the above data may be required from time to time to provide the best possible service and user experience. It may be used for internal record keeping, improvement of products and/ or services. Only for legitimate interests. If however you are not satisfied with this you have the right to objects. See 'Your right's below.


Who sees the data?

Employees, third party service providers (such as Royal Mail for delivery), third party payment providers that process the users payments and refunds.


How do you store, use, share and disclose your site visitors' personal information?

My website is hosted by, providing a online platform to sell the products and services. Your data may be stored through’s data storage, databases and the general applications. They store your data on secure servers behind a firewall.  

All direct payment gateways offered by and used by our company adhere to the standards set by PCI-DSS as managed by the PCI Security Standards Council, which is a joint effort of brands like Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. PCI-DSS requirements help ensure the secure handling of credit card information by our store and its service providers.


How do you communicate with your site visitors?

I will only contact you if you have contacted me first. To help answer questions, troubleshoot problems, to resolve a dispute, to collect fees or monies owed,  to send updates about my work, or as otherwise necessary to contact you to enforce our User Agreement, applicable national laws, and any agreement we may have with you. 


Your rights

You can ask for a copy of any information we hold about you, at any time. To correct any data that is inaccurate or incomplete. To delete any data from our systems. The right to 'block' us from using your data, or limit how we use it. The right to request we move, copy or transfer your data. The right to object to our use of data including for legitimate interest.

If you don’t want us to process your data anymore, please email: or send us mail to: Saya McNairn-Yanagi, Unit 3 Level 5 North, New England House, New England Street, Brighton, BN1 4GH



List of Cookies used on this website, and what they are used for are:

XSRF-TOKEN - Used for security reasons

hs - Used for security reasons

svSession - Used in connection with user login

SSR-caching - Used to indicate the system from which the site was rendered

_wixCIDX - Used for system monitoring/debugging

_wix_browser_sess - Used for system monitoring/debugging

consent-policy - Used for cookie banner parameters

smSession - Used to identify logged in site members

TS* - Used for security and anti-fraud reasons

bSession - Used for system effectiveness measurement

fedops.logger.X - Used for stability/effectiveness measurement

wixLanguage - Used on multilingual websites to save user language preference

all in accordance with current UK and EU Cookie Law)


Changes to the policy

saya my ceramics reserves the right to change/ update this privacy policy as necessary from time to time or as may be required by law.



Payment Methods
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